The Hunter skill training is similar to RuneScape gold Ironman like normal training for accounts, so it is trained similarly. The only difference is that you should finish your training at an extremely high level (85+) and include Herbiboar tracking, since this can provide a great deal of Herbs in addition to Hunter experience.
In all likelihood, Magic learning involves lots of Runecrafting as you'll mostly making use of Runes as spells that can give Magic an experience. It is not possible to purchase them through the Grand Exchange, so almost every one of them has to be created directly by you. You could also acquire some of them by NPC trading, but it will require lots of gold. They can be produced using various methods, so make sure you've read about them within our Ironman Making Money Guide. Making Guide.
The initial stages of Magic Training should be carried out by regular combat and every hit. Note that to make it effective, you will have to identify monsters that you can make money from. The most effective are those with Herb drops like Twisted Banshee or cheap OSRS GP those with high tier weapon drops like Fire Giants in Waterfall Dungeon.